
Coda di Volpe 2022 – 13,5% – Terra di Briganti –  91 points ZWC

Coda di Volpe 2022 – 13,5% – Terra di Briganti –  91 points ZWC

When you open a bottle from Cantina Terra di Briganti, you find yourself transported to a parallel wine world. Spontaneous fermentations with indigenous yeasts, organic grapes treated only with copper and sulfur, absence of sulfites, respect for timing, and lack of forced manipulations—all these principles honor nature.

I believe one of their best expressions is this “Coda di Volpe,” as energetic as ever, boasting a strong 13.5% alcohol content but with remarkable freshness. “Coda di Volpe” is the quintessential grape variety in this part of Campania. Its historical memory spans thousands of years, even being cited by Pliny the Elder.

In his Naturalis Historia, Pliny the Elder writes, “Minus tamen, caudas vulpinum imitata, alopecia,” indicating the vines suitable for pergola cultivation and praising “Coda di Volpe” for its appreciation of the territory. He specifically notes: “The soil and the environment, not just the grape, make the difference, and aging benefits this wine.”

Its name derives from “Cauda Vulpium” due to the shape of its cluster: curved and long, resembling the beautiful tail of a fox.

All that remains is for us to enjoy our glass, its amber color a result of long fermentation, and to appreciate its intensity and persistence. The ideal pairing is with a salty fish dish or a pasta with tuna bottarga, not to mention a bruschetta with menaica anchovies, a true Campanian delicacy.

Terra di Briganti

Contrada Tacceto,

82027 Casalduni (BN)



Tel: +39 347 1257684